- A
- B
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- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
Terms (1232)
- a/c
- a/c condenser
- abacus
- abandoned property
- abbey
- abutment
- abutter
- accent
- accoloade
- accouplement
- acoustics
- acropolis
- activate the space
- activity
- ada
- adapted plant
- added antimicrobial treatment
- addendum
- additional dwelling unit (ADU)
- adjacencies
- adjacent site
- adobe
- aedicule
- aesthetic
- agent
- aggregate
- agora
- agreement
- aisle
- alcazar
- allowance(s)
- allée
- alterations
- alternate bid
- alternative daily cover (ADC)
- alternative fuel
- alternative water source
- amalaka
- amalgamation
- ambiguity
- ambulatory
- amphitheater
- annual sunlight exposure (ASE)
- anomaly
- anta
- ante-choir
- anthropogenic
- anthropology
- anthropometry
- anthropomorphism
- apadana
- application for payment
- appurtenance
- apse
- arabesque
- araeosystyle
- arbor
- arcade
- arch
- architect
- architect-engineer
- architects basic services
- architectural drawing
- architrave
- archway
- arcology
- arcuate
- area median income
- area wells
- arris
- arrowslit
- articulate
- articulation
- as-built drawings
- ase1000,250
- ashlar
- assemblage
- assembly
- astragal
- atlas
- atrium
- attendance boundary
- attic
- attic window
- automated dynamic façade systems
- average LED intensity (ALI)
- average rated flush volume
- axis
- back charge
- backfill
- background
- backing
- baffle
- bake oven
- balance
- balconet
- balcony
- baldachin
- ball flower
- ballast
- balloon framed wall
- baluster
- balustrade
- balustrade
- banal
- baptistery
- barge
- barge board
- bargeboard
- bartizan
- base
- base building
- base/baseboard
- baseline building performance
- baseline condition
- baseline water consumption
- basement
- basilica
- basis of design (BOD)
- bat
- batter
- battlement
- bay
- bay window
- beam
- bearing header
- bearing partition
- bearing point
- bearing wall
- bedrock
- belfry
- bell roof
- belvedere
- bema
- bench table
- berm
- bespoke
- bicycle network
- bicycling distance
- bid
- bid bond
- bid date/time
- bid form
- bid opening
- bid price
- bid shopper
- bid tabulation
- bidding documents
- bidding period
- bidding requirements
- bifurcate
- bim
- bio-based material
- blackwater
- blasé
- blind
- blobitecture
- block length
- blowdown
- blue print(s)
- blue stake
- board-and-batten
- bond
- bonding company
- boomburb
- bosket
- bossage
- bousillage
- boutant
- bow window
- brace
- bracket
- breaker panel
- breezeway
- bressummer
- bridging
- brise-soleil
- brownfield
- brownfield land
- brusselization
- brutalism
- btu
- budget (construction)
- bug rating
- buildable land
- building
- building code
- building envelope
- building exterior
- building inspector/official
- building interior
- building permit
- building process
- built-up roof
- bullseye window
- bulwark
- bus rapid transit
- butterfly roof
- buttress
- caisson
- campanile
- cancellus
- cantilever
- cantilever
- cantilevered void
- capital
- caravansary
- carbon offset
- caryatid
- casement window
- catalyst
- catenary
- cathedral
- cauliculus
- cavity wall
- ceiling
- ceiling joist
- celebrate
- cella
- cenotaph
- cfm (cubic feet per minute)
- chain of custody (CoC)
- chaitya
- chalciducum
- chalet
- chancel
- chandrashala
- change order
- change order proposal
- change order request
- chapel
- charette
- charrette
- chatri
- chattri
- check valve
- chevron
- chimera
- chimney
- chimney stacks and bundles
- chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-based refrigerant
- chresmographion
- church
- cincture
- cinquecento
- cippus
- circuit
- circuit breaker
- circulation
- circulation network
- civil twilight
- class "A"
- class "C"
- classical architecture
- classical figurative statuary
- classroom or core learning space
- clean waste
- clear glazing
- cleithral
- clerestory
- cloister
- closed bid/estimate
- closed-loop cooling
- co
- codes
- coffer
- colarin
- cold air return
- collar beam
- colonial kitchen
- colonnade
- color rendering index
- column
- combination oven discharge
- combined heat and power
- combustion air
- commingled waste
- commissioning (Cx)
- commissioning authority (CxA)
- community greens
- compluvium
- composite order
- compressor
- concept
- concrete
- concretization
- condensate line
- condensing unit
- conductivity
- conduit
- cone-shaped roof
- confluences
- conscious city
- construct
- construction
- construction cost
- construction document review
- construction documents
- construction documents phase
- construction impact zone
- construction management
- construction management contract
- construction phase
- consultant
- contemporary
- context
- contract
- contract administration
- contract bond
- contract documents
- contract over-run (under-run)
- contract payment bond
- contract performance bond
- contract period
- contract sum
- contract time
- contracting officer
- contractor
- contractor's option
- contractor's qualification statement
- contractual liability
- contrast
- control joint
- conurbation
- conventional irrigation
- cooling load
- cooling tower blowdown
- coping
- corbel
- corbusian
- corinthian order
- corner braces
- cornice
- cornice molding
- corona
- corridor
- cortile
- cost codes
- cost of work
- cost plus fee agreement
- counter flashing
- counterfort
- court
- courtyard
- covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R)
- coving
- cradle-to-gate assessment
- crawl space
- create/provide a gesture
- crenellation
- cresting
- cricket
- critical path
- critical path method
- cromlech
- cross bracing
- cross bridging
- cross tee
- cross-wing
- crypt
- cryptoporticus
- csi
- csi master format
- cul-de-sac
- cull
- cultural landscape
- cuneus
- cupola
- curate
- cure
- curlicue
- current date line
- current facilities requirements (CFR)
- curtain wall
- curvilinear
- customer
- cyma recta
- cymatium
- cyrto-style
- dado
- daily construction report
- date of agreement
- date of commencement of the work
- date of substantial completion
- datum
- dead load
- deconstruction
- decorative motif
- dedicated storage
- demand response (DR)
- demand response (DR) event
- demising walls
- demountable partition
- densely occupied space
- density
- dentals
- denticulation
- departmental gross area (DGA)
- design
- design-build construction
- design-construct contract
- design-development phase
- detail
- development footprint
- device
- diagrammatic
- diamond-paned windows
- dian
- diastyle
- diaulos
- diazoma
- dichotomy
- differential durability
- dikka
- dimension
- direct access
- direct cost
- direct sunlight
- dissonance
- district energy system (DES)
- distyle in antis
- diverse use
- dodecastyle
- dolmen
- dome
- domesticity
- doric order
- dormer
- dormer window
- dosseret
- double doors
- double-hung sash windows
- dougong
- downspout
- downstream equipment
- draw
- drawings
- drift
- dromos
- drywall
- duality
- durable goods
- durable goods waste stream
- duration
- dynamic
- easement
- eave return
- eaves
- eclectic
- eclecticism
- edge city
- egress
- ekistics
- elbow roomers
- electric vehicle supply equipment
- electrical rough
- electrical trim
- electronic waste
- elemental mercury
- elevation
- elizabethan architecture
- emergency lighting
- employment center
- enclosure
- energy service provider
- enfilade
- enfilade
- engaged column
- engineered nanomaterial
- entablature
- entasis
- environmental product declaration
- ephebeum
- ephemeral
- epinaos
- ergonomics
- esoteric
- estimate
- estimate of construction cost
- estimating
- estrade
- eustyle
- evapotranspiration
- excavation
- exedra
- expansion joint
- explores the notion
- exposed rafters
- extended producer responsibility
- extensive vegetated roof
- exterior vegetated surface area
- external meter
- extrapolate
- exurbia
- fabric
- fabrication
- facade
- facade
- facadism
- facility or site analysis
- fan light
- fascia
- fast track construction
- fenestration
- feretory
- ff&e
- field
- field order
- field work order
- figure
- figure-ground
- final acceptance
- final inspection
- final payment
- finial
- finish date
- fire rated
- fire retardant chemical
- fire-stop
- fireplace surround
- fixed fee
- fixed limit of construction costs
- flared roof
- flashing
- floating
- floating wall
- floor
- floor area ratio
- floor plan
- floor-area ratio (FAR)
- flushwork
- fluting
- flying buttress
- flying rib
- flâneur
- folly
- foot-stall
- footprint
- form
- formal
- formeret
- formwork
- forum
- foundation
- foundation drain
- foundation ties
- free-flowing floor plan
- freight village
- french baroque architecture
- french doors
- fresco
- frieze
- functional entry
- furniture and furnishings
- fused grid
- gable
- gable roof
- gablets
- gadrooning
- galleria
- gallerie
- gallery
- galletting
- gambrel roof
- gantt chart
- garbha-griha
- gargoyle
- garret
- gauged brickwork
- gazebo
- geison
- general conditions
- general contracting
- general contractor
- generative
- genius loci
- gentrification
- geodesic dome
- gestalt
- gestalt psychology
- gesture
- gingerbreading
- girder
- golden section
- gopura
- grade
- grain
- grams per brake horsepower hour
- graywater
- green belt
- green infrastructure
- green power
- green vehicles
- greenfield
- greenfield land
- greyfield land
- grid
- grid plan
- grilles
- groin vault
- gross Floor Area (GFA)
- gross bulk generation
- gross local generation
- grotto
- ground
- hacienda
- haiden
- half-timbering
- hall
- hardscape
- hardware
- harmonic progression
- harmony
- hashira
- hazardous material
- heat island effect
- heat rough
- heat trim
- heating load
- hegemony
- herculaneum and pompeii
- hierarchy
- hierarchy
- highway
- hipped roof
- hippodrome
- historic building
- historic district
- holistic
- homogeneous
- homogeneous material
- hood molding
- hot-mopped asphalt for roofing
- how the ____ is received by the ____
- human scale
- hybrid
- hydrozone
- hypostyle hall
- i-beam
- iconic
- illuminance
- impervious surface
- improvements
- in antis
- incised linear shapes
- indemnification
- independent contractor
- indirect cost
- individual occupant space
- industrial process water
- infill
- infill site
- infiltration
- informal transit
- infrared (thermal) emittance
- inpatient
- inpatient unit
- inspection
- inspection for disbursement of funds
- inspection list
- inspection report
- inspector
- inspiration
- integral labeling
- integrated pest management
- integrated project delivery
- intensive vegetated roof
- intercolumniation
- interfenestration
- interior finish
- interior floor finish
- interior wall and ceiling finish
- interiority/exteriority
- interlaced arches
- intermodal facility
- interstitial
- interstitial
- interstitial space
- intrados
- invasive plant
- invoice
- ionic order
- isovist
- it annual energy
- iteration
- iwan
- jack arch
- jacobean
- jagati
- jami masjid
- jettied story
- jettying
- jigsaw
- joinery
- joist
- juxtaposition
- ka‘ba
- keystone
- kitsch
- kondo
- labor and material payment bond
- lacunar
- lamp
- lamp life
- land trust
- land-clearing debris and soil
- landscape water requirement (LWR)
- language
- lantern
- latticework
- lead-free
- leasehold improvements
- least-risk pesticide
- legibility
- length of stay
- lien release
- lien waiver
- lien, mechanic's or material
- life-cycle assessment
- life-cycle inventory
- light pollution
- light rail
- light trespass
- lightning rod
- liminal
- linga
- lingdao
- lintel
- live load
- load bearing wall
- load shedding
- loculus
- loggia
- long-term bicycle storage
- louver
- low-cost improvement
- low-impact development (LID)
- lumens
- lump sum bid
- lump sum contract
- lunette
- madrasah
- major renovation
- makeup water
- manage (rainwater) on site
- mandala
- mandapa
- mansard roof
- mansionization
- map out
- marriage stone
- mascaron
- masonry
- mass
- massing
- massing
- mastaba
- master plan boundary
- materiality
- mausoleum
- mean lumen output
- meander
- medical furnishing
- meeting attendance form
- meeting notes
- megalith
- megaron
- menhir
- metaphor
- metering control
- mezzanine
- miesian
- mihrab
- milestone
- millwork
- minaret
- mirador
- missing middle housing
- mixed paper
- model
- modillion
- modular
- modular and movable casework
- module
- molding
- moment
- monastery
- monolith
- monolithic
- monopost
- monotriglyph
- morphology
- mosque
- motifs
- mounting height
- movable furniture and partitions
- mullion
- multitenant complex
- muntin
- muntins
- muqarnas
- mural
- mutule
- mylar
- naed code
- naos
- narthex
- native vegetation
- natural refrigerant
- natural resources conservation service (NRCS) soils delineation
- natural site hydrology
- nave
- nec (National Electrical Code)
- necropolis
- negative/positive space
- net usable program area
- new suburbanism
- new urbanism
- newel
- niche
- nimby
- nodes
- non-inpatient area
- non-regularly occupied space
- nonbearing wall
- nonpotable water
- nonwater toilet systems
- nonwater urinal
- nuance
- nuraghe
- obelisk
- oc (On Center)
- occupant control
- occupiable space
- occupied space
- oculus
- ogee arch
- on-site wastewater treatment
- ongoing consumable
- open bid/estimate
- open-grid pavement system
- openable window area
- operations and maintenance (O&M) plan
- order
- organic
- oriel
- orientation
- ornamental luminaire
- orthographic
- orthostates
- orthostyle
- out growth
- outdoor room
- outpatient
- outrigger
- over-hanging rafters
- overdevelopment
- owner
- owner-architect agreement
- owner-builder
- owner-construction agreement
- owner-construction management agreement
- owner’s project requirements (OPR)
- pagoda
- pailou
- palaestra
- palazzo
- palimpsest
- palladian motif
- panel
- panopticon
- pantheon
- paradigm
- parallax
- parametric
- parapet
- parclose screen
- parterre
- parti
- parti
- partition
- passage grave
- pastiche
- patient position
- patio
- pavilion
- peak demand
- peak watering month
- pedestal
- pediment
- pelmet
- pendentive
- penetrate
- performance bond
- performance specifications
- performative
- pergola
- peripteral
- peristyle
- permaculture
- permanent interior obstruction
- permanent peak load shifting
- permeability
- permeable pavement
- persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemical
- pert
- pert schedule
- phenomenology
- piano nobile
- piazza
- picturesque
- pier
- pilaster
- pillar
- piloti
- pilotis
- pitch
- place of respite
- placemaking
- plan
- plan checker
- plan view
- planceer
- planner
- plans
- plate girder
- platonic solid
- play with
- plaza
- plinth
- plug load or receptacle load
- plumbing rough
- plumbing trim
- plvi
- poché
- podium
- pods
- pointed arch
- poppyheads
- porch
- portcullis
- porte-cochère
- portico
- post
- post-and-beam
- post-industrial
- postconsumer recycled content
- postern
- potable water
- poteaux-en-terre
- power distribution unit output
- power utilization effectiveness (PUE)
- powered floor maintenance equipment
- pre-construction planning and team building
- pre-qualification of prospective bidders
- precast
- preconsumer recycled content
- predecessor
- preferred parking
- preliminary drawings
- preliminary lien notice
- premature obsolescence
- previously developed
- previously developed site
- previously disturbed
- prick post
- prime farmland
- private meter
- pro style
- process energy
- process load or unregulated load
- process water
- procession
- product (permanently installed building product)
- program
- programmatic adjacencies
- project electrical load
- projection
- promenade
- proportion
- propylaeum
- propylon
- protected view
- proud
- proxemics
- pseudodipteral
- pteroma
- public realm
- public water supply (PWS)
- pueblo
- pycnostyle
- pylon
- pyramid
- qibla
- quadriporticus
- quoin
- rafters
- rainwater harvesting
- rake
- rampart
- rath
- ratio
- raw material
- rear vault
- rebate
- reclaimed water
- rectilinear
- recycled content
- redundancy
- reentrant
- reference evapotranspiration rate
- reference soil
- refurbished material
- regenerate
- regionalism
- regular
- regularly occupied space
- regularly used exterior entrance
- regulated load
- remanufactured product
- renewable energy
- renewable energy credit (REC)
- repetition
- return
- reuse
- reused area
- revenue-grade meter
- revolving door
- rhythm
- rib vault
- ribbon development
- ridge board
- road verge
- robust
- roof
- roof comb
- roof ridge
- roofline
- room
- rotunda
- round-arched window
- roundel
- rubble brick
- rustication
- sDA300/50%
- saltbox roof
- salvaged material
- sanctuary
- sash
- scale
- schism
- school authority
- scope 1 emissions
- scope 2 emissions
- scroll
- sculptural forms
- section
- segmental arch
- semiotics
- sequence
- servant space
- served space
- server input
- service life
- setback
- setback (land use)
- shared multioccupant space
- shell space
- shell structure
- shoro
- short-term bicycle storage
- shrine
- shutters
- side light
- sikhara
- sill
- simple box energy modeling analysis
- simultaneity
- site assessment
- site master plan
- skin
- slate
- smart city
- soft space
- softscape
- solar garden/community renewable energy system
- solar reflectance (SR)
- solar reflectance index (SRI)
- solarium
- solid
- solid/void
- sound-level coverage
- source reduction
- space
- space
- spandrel
- spatial composition
- spatial daylight autonomy (sDA)
- speech privacy
- speech spectra
- spire
- springer
- squinch
- squint
- stained glass
- stair
- stalactite work
- stasis
- steeple
- stele
- stereotomic
- stickwork
- stoa
- stoop
- story
- streetcar
- striated brick
- stringcourse
- strollology
- structure
- stucco
- stupa
- stylobate
- sunburst
- superimpose
- sustainability
- symbol
- symbology
- symmetry
- synagogue
- synekism
- systems manual
- systyle
- ta
- tactical urbanism
- taxonomy
- technical Release (TR) 55
- technology
- tectonics
- tectonics
- temenos
- tensile structure
- terminating vista
- terrace
- tetrastyle
- thatched roof
- thermal emittance
- third place
- tholos
- three-year aged SR
- threshold
- threshold
- tile inset
- tile roof
- timber framing
- time-of-use pricing
- tokonoma
- topography
- torana
- torii
- tower
- trabeate
- tracery
- traditional ethos
- transept
- transient
- transom light
- transparency/opacity
- trellis
- trullo
- truncated
- truss
- turret
- tuscan order
- tympanum
- typology
- uSDA Organic
- undercover parking
- undercroft
- uniformity
- uniformity
- uninterruptible power supply (UPS) output
- unity
- universal waste
- unoccupied space
- upstream equipment
- urban acupuncture
- urban prairie
- urbicide
- vancouverism
- vault
- veranda
- vernacular
- vernacular architecture
- vertical illuminance
- verticality
- vestibule
- victorian era
- viewshed
- vihara
- villa
- vision glazing
- void
- volume
- volute
- voussoir
- wainscot
- walkability
- walkability
- walking distance
- wall
- waste diversion
- waste-to-energy
- wastewater
- wat
- water body
- water budget
- wet meter
- wetland
- wildlife corridor
- window sash
- wood
- wooden clapboards
- wooden shingles
- xeriscaping
- yard tractor
- yimby
- zaguan
- zeitgeist
- zero lot line project
- ziggurat
- zone of transition
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